JSOE home

Professor John S.O. Evans
Chair in Inorganic/Solid State Chemistry
Tel:+44-(0)-191- 334-2093 (office)
Tel: +44-(0)-191-334-2052 (lab)
Fax: +44-(0)-191 384 4737
Office: CG109J;
Lab: CG31
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to my webpages.
April 2021: the Univesity is about to move all staff webpages, which means major restructuring of this site. Please accept my apologies for broken links during this period.
I am a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the Chemistry Department at the University of Durham. I was Head of Department from 2009-2014.
My principal research activities are in solid state chemistry.
This site contains a little bit of information about my research, but is mainly set up to host our on-line Topas tutorials (several hundred in total) and links for the Durham Rietveld school.
Follow this link for positions available in the group.
Please follow the various links to read about:
- My mini CV
- Some of my research interests
- The Durham Chemistry Department
- Topas Academic and Durham’s topas wiki at http://topas.dur.ac.uk/topaswiki
- Topas tutorials
- Installing and using jEdit
- Durham’s biennial Powder Diffraction and Rietveld Refinement School
- Links to Durham-only local pages
Please accept my apologies for any broken links and bad formatting.